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Map Of China

Chinese Turmoil

Panic sets in in China: the following steps were taken: Interest rates were lowered by 25 bps to 4.60 from 4.85. Reserve Requirement Ratio (for big banks) lowered by 50 bps to 18.0 from 18.50. 22 Billion was pumped into…

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United States Federal Reserve Emblem On Note

FED Rate Rise – What Now?

For the FED to raise rates in September, growth in the US economy would need to clearly show up in the economic data. Inflation numbers were not really there given the strong US Dollar (imports are cheaper) and low oil…

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Map Of Turkey In Near East

Turkey – Political Headwinds

Turkey faces strong headwinds in the coming year both on the political and economic front.  The corruption probe that began yesterday is the latest in a series of political battles for power.  Next year is an important election year for…

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Crumpled Globe With Politics Words

Macro Context™: 5 key themes to consider

Today, macro factors, both on the political and economic fronts, will play a decisive role on the future direction of asset prices.  From the political wrangling over the US Debt ceiling to timing and the speed of weaning the US…

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Map Of US On Globe

Global Macro Alerts™ – US Budget Deadline Analysis

Expect lots of volatility as politics once again predominates. With both sides drawing lines in the sand and refusing to budge a federal shutdown seems increasing likely. The U.S. senate voted along party lines to extend financing till November 15th,…

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Glass Globe Over Stock Data On Computer Screen

Emerging Market ETFs – Option Investability Index™

To capture major and minor market moves in emerging markets, I frequently use ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) that meet certain standards regarding volume, open interest and liquidity measures (such as bid-ask). Thus, I only trade emerging market ETFs that meet…

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