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Map of Syria

Assad Flees as Syrian Rebels enter Damascus

Fall of Assad Regime Leaves Syria with Power Vaccum The imminent capture of Damascus by rebel forces signals the potential fall of the Syrian regime led by Bashar al-Assad, leading to a contested political process among various rebel factions. The…

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Map of Turkey in Near East

New US Middle East Policy

The US policy in the Middle East will become more anti-Iranian over the next couple of months.  The key date here is the Iran Nuclear Deal sign off that Trump will need to make in mid May. Here is a…

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Globe - Russia

Russian Geopolitics in Mediterranean

Russian geopolitics in the Mediterranean are wider than Syria. In our previous article, Syrian End Game, we discussed the reasons behind the recent Russian intervention in Syria.  Essentially, the Russians need to protect their only naval base in the Mediterranean…

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Map of Syria

Syrian End Game

What does Russian involvement mean for Syria? Most Probable Reason:  To obtain a place at the negotiating table on Syria. Putin will prop up Assad to improve his hand.  The No-Fly Zone would have led to regime change which Russia…

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