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NATO Allies Call China an Enabler of Russia in Ukraine War

Geopolitical Interdependence Between Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Growing At the NATO summit in Washington on July 10, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg highlighted a significant shift in NATO's stance regarding China, labeling it as a "decisive enabler" of Russia's war in Ukraine. The…

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MAP Showing NATO And Russia Over Ukraine

The 2024 NATO Summit

NATO Summit and Challenges Faced by European Leaders Hightened concerns about European security along side the rise of far-right forces on the continent and the potential of an anti-NATO president in Trump lead to risks for NATO unity and security.…

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Political Map Of Europe On Globe

Recent NATO Plan for Ukraine and Impact on Markets?

What the plan for Ukraine in NATO means? The plan for Ukraine to join NATO has significant geopolitical implications. NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is a collective defense alliance aimed at countering potential threats from non-member states. Ukraine's inclusion…

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