India and US Pivot against China The recent election of Mr. Modi in India has sped up strategic relations with the US. In short, India sees benefits in the form… South China Sea Tensions Rise In the South China Sea, the geopolitical game is becoming more dangerous. Tensions are higher since China has been constructing more artificial islands around the… What does Russian involvement mean for Syria? Most Probable Reason: To obtain a place at the negotiating table on Syria. Putin will prop up Assad to improve his hand. The… Panic sets in in China: the following steps were taken: Interest rates were lowered by 25 bps to 4.60 from 4.85. Reserve Requirement Ratio (for big banks) lowered by 50… For the FED to raise rates in September, growth in the US economy would need to clearly show up in the economic data. Inflation numbers were not really there given… The Syriza government in Greece is at a critical juncture. Having failed to deliver on campaign promises thus far, it has instead focused on several small symbolic victories. The visit…India – Pivot Strategy against China
China and US Asian Pivot
Syrian End Game
Chinese Turmoil
FED Rate Rise – What Now?
Global Macro Context™ – Greece the Euro and Politics
12Oct 15
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