The latest in the Greek saga has delayed the latest 2 Billion Euro aid tranche and has put a hold on the 10 Billion Euros earmarked for recapitalizing the banks… The bad news for oil keeps piling on. Oil has fallen for three out of the last four weeks and the number of oil rigs in the US according to… Mixed signals keep on coming from the FED regarding a rate hike. More economists and market participants are now convinced of a December rate hike. Chances of a hike did… The AK Party (AKP) won parliamentary majority in the elections yesterday. With 316 seats out of 550 seats, it means that they do not need to form a coalition government… There are strong reasons to think so. The recent deal between Turkey and the EU is related towards finding a solution for Syria. The fight for Aleppo could result in… Just as Turkey seemed to be sliding into escalating violence and chaos, an opportunity arose and President Erdogan agreed to 3 Billion Euro aid package with the EU. The impetus…Greece and Europe: Disagreement on Foreclosure Protection
Oil Outlook
December FED Hike – what now?
Turkish Election: In-Depth Analysis
Syria: Is a Deal in the Works?
Turkish EU Deal is a Game Changer
10Nov 15
09Nov 15
09Nov 15
02Nov 15
16Oct 15
16Oct 15