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Global Macro Alerts™: Macro Trading Review – Oct 2nd 2013

In the past few days, several ETFs (India – EPI, Turkey – TUR and Indonesia – IDX)  were suggested as investment ideas to take advantage of the political situation over the budget crisis in the U.S.  Additionally, the recent arrests surrounding the Golden Dawn party in Greece were analyzed politically and a review of recent economic news was provided.  This led to an investment idea for the Greek ETF – GREK.  For further information, please refer to the two recent posts below:

Global Macro Alerts™ – US Budget Deadline Analysis

Global Macro Alerts™ – Greek Political and Economic Outlook

All the investment ideas performed very well yesterday.  Please note that the results below refer to gains in one day (October 1, 2014):

GREK:  + 2.12%

EPI:      + 1.44%

TUR:    + 4.66%

IDX:     + 4.84%

Our political analysis was correct but there were other factors at play as well.  For example, a democratization bill was approved in Turkey and this probably had the effect of lowering political risk and giving an extra boost to the price.  In Indonesia good economic numbers also played a role in the higher price.

I hope you enjoyed the educational experience.  Good luck trading the markets!



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