Turkey faces strong headwinds in the coming year both on the political and economic front. The corruption probe that began yesterday is the latest in a series of political battles… Today, macro factors, both on the political and economic fronts, will play a decisive role on the future direction of asset prices. From the political wrangling over the US Debt… Positive news on the Greek investment climate has come in on several fronts – investment, political and economic. Most of the articles in the news today were positive. However the… In the past few days, several ETFs (India - EPI, Turkey - TUR and Indonesia - IDX) were suggested as investment ideas to take advantage of the political situation over… Expect lots of volatility as politics once again predominates. With both sides drawing lines in the sand and refusing to budge a federal shutdown seems increasing likely. The U.S. senate… The recent arrest of the ultra-right Golden Dawn party leaders was sparked when a member of Golden Dawn murdered an anti-fascist rapper. The group had previously enjoyed impunity partly as…Turkey – Political Headwinds
Macro Context™: 5 key themes to consider
Global Macro Alerts™ – GREK: why the price divergence with Greek banks?
Global Macro Alerts™: Macro Trading Review – Oct 2nd 2013
Global Macro Alerts™ – US Budget Deadline Analysis
Global Macro Alerts™ – Greek Political & Economic Outlook
18Dec 13
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30Sep 13