We have taken a speculative position on the OPEC meeting in November. There are arguments for both a deal and also a no-deal scenario. I will briefly discuss both scenarios,… Today the PPI (Producer Price Index) not including food and energy came in negative. The CPI (Consumer Price Index) is the next one to look at. Irregardless inflation expectations… The FMOC meetings confirm a divided FED. This should be expected at turning points at times of uncertainty. Our view has always been that the November rate hike was highly… The Bank of Japan has key decisions to make tomorrow. In fact, this meeting is seen as more important than the FED meeting by the market since the range of… Market volatility has gone up over the last few days. In fact it was under 12 during the past 5 days and recently jumped to over 18. Currently, it went… Our forecast for the next US Fed rate rise has been revised to account for the recent macro data. The data has come in weaker than it should to warrant…OPEC Forecast
FED Rate Forecast
FED Rate Forecast & FMOC Minutes
Bank of Japan – Key Decision Ahead
Market Volatility View
FED Outlook 2016
30Nov 16
16Nov 16
13Oct 16
20Sep 16
12Sep 16
07Sep 16